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Two female Stena Metall Group colleagues work together on their laptops in an office environment.
About us

Care for sustainable business

A Stena Metall Group employee gives a guided tour of a Stena facility.

A positive force in society

At the Stena Metall Group, we strive to be a positive force that contributes to sustainable development through local presence and open dialogue with society. In addition to engaging with our customers and partners, we actively participate in dialogue with politicians and legislators. We are also members of various forums and expert groups at both group and company level.

Building responsible relationships with the world around us

  1. The Haga Initiative - Stena

    Stena Recycling Sweden is a member of The Haga Initiative, which is a network of companies working to reduce emissions in Swedish industry and show that active climate work pays off.
  2. The european maritime safety agency

    Stena Oil is a member of EMSA, the European Maritime Safety Agency, which is an EU group that works to reduce risks at sea, both for people and the environment.
  3. Cradlenet

    Stena Circular Consulting has, together with Cradlenet, investigated strategies and published a report on the circular business model “Product-as-a-Service”.
Måns Palmgren, Head of Governance, Risk and Compliance

“We conduct business in a responsible way, in accordance with the values stated in the Group's Code of Conduct. We also engage in dialogue with suppliers, customers and other business partners to promote sustainable value chains.”

Måns Palmgren, Head of Governance, Risk and Compliance

Care for sustainable business

Our efforts in the area care for sustainable business contribute to the following UN Sustainable Development goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals identify 17 key areas where businesses need to work for change if we want to achieve a flourishing society in the long run. Few businesses have operations with a bearing on all the targets. At Stena Metall we consider 11 of them to more strongly related to our scope of operations.

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