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Close-up shot of a Stena Metall Group employee at work wearing hi-vis protective gear.
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Health and safety at Stena Metall

A group of Stena Metall Group employees in hi-vis gear and protective hard hats take part in the UN World Day for Safety and Health.

UN World day for safety and health at work

Since health and safety are of the highest priority for the Stena Metall Group, we participate in the UN World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which takes place on April 28 every year.

Across the Group's nine markets, the day is marked by each manager being tasked with bringing their team together to discuss and highlight positive lessons and new ways of working in terms of safety and health.

Safety at work starts with our employees

Occupational health and safety are extremely important for us. Many of our employees work in a production environment where machinery, vehicles and material can pose physical safety risks. 

All new employees must undergo mandatory training in the basic safety principles and procedures within the Group. Specific safety training is provided in relation to type of work and workplace. In addition, all employees regularly conduct what we call “Safety Walks”. A Safety Walk involves visiting a specific area to observe the workplace, the way of working, and to have a dialogue with colleagues on their safety observations and any potential improvements. This way, we have a common activity where all employees are regularly involved in our safety work.

A Stena Metall Group employee wearing protective gear cuts metal in a Stena facility.

Code of conduct for business partners

At Stena Metall Group we have a Code of conduct, which regulates that our business partners and customers promote a safe working environment by preventing accidents and striving for continuous improvements in the working environment. Our customers are companies, often industrial companies, with good knowledge of the safe handling in terms of the products and services sold by the Group. Our internal safety procedures and requirements, for example, for loading and unloading at the customer's premises, contribute to reducing safety risks in the value chain.

Certification in accordance with ISO45001

We work continuously to limit the risk of near-accidents and injuries, with the aim of preventing any accidents from occurring. Our owners and the board are extremely committed to safety issues and place clear demands on us to develop our health and safety performance. This is reflected, for example, in our health and safety policy. The companies apply a shared Group framework to address their specific challenges and needs. Most of the companies in the Stena Metall Group hold working environment certification in accordance with ISO 45001.

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